Game information
Game name
KOGAMA Duch Domu
Game Original name
KOGAMA Ghost House
PC, Mobile
My client gave me the task of putting an end to the haunted house of an isolated island A helicopter brought me and my car to this island I drove along the road until I arrived at the house I parked my car next to the garage In the garage I found the key that opened the closed door of the house just as my client said I found a map where a place was marked notes from a failed detective who gave me information about the case and a closed chest I followed the marking of the map The map took me to a cave In this cave I had to cross levels that bring me to chains I cut these chains so that the blocks fell down and opened the way to the key With the key I could open the chest in the house There was a shovel and another map At the same time the ghost girl appeared behind me I just saw her back then she turned to me She had no face and disappeared into flames Through her disappear and the text of the failed detective I knew what to do I should burn her remains I looked at the map The map marks the top of the mountain But first I took the shovel from the chest and dug the grave I took the ax out of the garage with which I cut a tree And with the wood I built a ramp so I could jump with the car to the mountain I took the map out of the chest and jumped with the car to the mountain After I climbed the mountain I got the item that should break the curse of the ghost girl I put the item into the grave It started to burn At the same time the ghost girl appeared without a face She came closer with a nasty smile And even closer She slowly dissolved as I burnt her remains When she had almost completely disappeared I could see her face and then she smiled I think she came to herself and was glad I saved her The helicopter came to pick me up I climbed the rope and we flew back to KoGaMa The case is closed
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